Script for adding a KL slave to the EtherCAT bus configuration of KL type.
Adds the respective hardware to the bus configuration, adds specific and default PV to the EPICS database. For some/most slaves also a default
Anders Sandstrom
HW_DESC Hardware descriptor, i.e. KL2032
SLAVE_ID EtherCAT bus position of the BK1250 (or similar terminal)
SLAVE_ID_KL KL-Bus index in two digit hex starting at zero for the first slave after BK1250 (or similar terminal)
SUBST_FILE (optional) substitution file
Example calls:
${SCRIPTEXEC} ${ecmccfg_DIR}addSlave.cmd, "HW_DESC=EL1018, SLAVE_ID=1, SLAVE_ID_KL=0A"