
1. Prerequisites

StreamDevice works with EPICS base versions from R3.14.6 on, tested up to 7.0.3. It also works (with limitations) with older R3.13 versions from R3.13.7 on. How to use StreamDevice with EPICS R3.13 is described on a separate page.

Download and build the EPICS version of your choice first before continuing.

Fix required for base R3.14.8.2 and earlier on Windows

Up to release R3.14.8.2, a fix in EPICS base is required to build StreamDevice on Windows (not cygwin). Add the following line to src/iocsh/iocsh.h and rebuild base.

epicsShareFunc int epicsShareAPI iocshCmd(const char *command);

Downloading StreamDevice

The latest version of StreamDevice can be found on github: Either download a zip file or clone the git repo:
git clone


StreamDevice now comes with a standard configure directory. But it can still be built in an external <top> directory as in previous versions. It will automatically detect <top> locations from the presence of ../configure or ../config directories. Using an upper level ../configure is no longer supported due to compatibility issues with SynApps.

Edit the configure/RELEASE file to specify the install location of EPICS base and of additional software modules or add a configure/RELEASE.local file to overwrite, for example:


Support for asynDriver

You most probably want to have asynDriver support included, because that is the standard way for StreamDevice to talk to hardware. First get and install asynDriver version 4-3 or higher before you build StreamDevice. I have tested StreamDevice with asynDriver versions up to 4-30. Make sure that the asyn library can be found by adding the path to the <top> directory of your asyn installation to the configure/RELEASE file:


Support for sCalcout record

The sCalcout record is part of synApps. If streamDevice should be built with support for this record, you have to install at least the calc module from SynApps first. Add references to the RELEASE file as shown here:


Up to calc release R2-6 (synApps release R5_1), the sCalcout record needs a fix. (See separate scalcout page.) And the calc module had dependencies on other SynApps modules. Release R2-8 or newer is recommended.

Support for the sCalcout is optional. StreamDevice works as well without sCalcout or SynApps.

Support for regular expression matching

If you want to enable regular expression matching, you need the PCRE package. For most Linux systems, it is already installed. In that case tell StreamDevice the locations of the PCRE header file and library. However, the pre-installed package can only by used for the host architecture. Thus, add them not to RELEASE but to RELEASE.Common.linux-x86 (if linux-x86 is your EPICS_HOST_ARCH). Be aware that different Linux distributions may locate the files in different directories.


For 64 bit installations, the path to the library may be different:


A pre-compiled Windows version of PCRE is available at sourceforge

If you want to have PCRE support on platforms that don't support it natively, e.g. vxWorks, it is probably the easiest to build PCRE as an EPICS module.

Building the PCRE package as an EPICS module

  1. Download the PCRE package from
  2. Extract the PCRE package in the <top> directory of StreamDevice or create a separate <top> location using
  3. Download this Makefile and this script and save them to the extracted pcre directory.
  4. Change into the pcre direcrory and run perl
  5. Run make (or gmake)

Define the location of the pcre <top> in the RELEASE file for StreamDevice.


Regular expressions are optional. If you don't want them, you don't need this.

2. Building StreamDevice

Go to the StreamDevice directory and run make (or gmake). This will create and install the stream library and the stream.dbd file and an example IOC application.

To use StreamDevice, your own application must be built with the stream and asyn (and optionally pcre) libraries and must load asyn.dbd and stream.dbd.

Include the following lines in your application Makefile:

PROD_LIBS += stream
PROD_LIBS += asyn
PROD_LIBS += pcre

Include the following lines in your xxxAppInclude.dbd file to use stream and asyn with serial lines, IP sockets, and vxi11 ("GPIB over ethernet") support.

include "base.dbd"
include "stream.dbd"
include "asyn.dbd"

You can find an example application in the streamApp subdirectory.

3. The Startup Script

StreamDevice is based on protocol files. To tell StreamDevice where to search for protocol files, set the environment variable STREAM_PROTOCOL_PATH to a list of directories to search. On Unix and vxWorks systems, directories are separated by :, on Windows systems by ;. The default value is STREAM_PROTOCOL_PATH=., i.e. the current directory.

Also configure the buses (in asynDriver terms: ports) you want to use with StreamDevice. You can give the buses any name you want, like COM1 or socket, but I recommend to use names related to the connected device.


A device with serial communication (9600 baud, 8N1, no flow control) is connected to /dev/ttyS1. The name of the device shall be PS1. Protocol files are either in the current working directory or in the ../protocols directory.

Then the startup script may look like this:

epicsEnvSet ("STREAM_PROTOCOL_PATH", ".:../protocols")

drvAsynSerialPortConfigure ("PS1","/dev/ttyS1")
asynSetOption ("PS1", 0, "baud", "9600")
asynSetOption ("PS1", 0, "bits", "8")
asynSetOption ("PS1", 0, "parity", "none")
asynSetOption ("PS1", 0, "stop", "1")
asynSetOption ("PS1", 0, "clocal", "Y")
asynSetOption ("PS1", 0, "crtscts", "N")

All above options are the defaults. Thus their usage in optional in this case.

If the device uses hardware flow control, change the last two lines to:

asynSetOption ("PS1", 0, "clocal", "N")
asynSetOption ("PS1", 0, "crtscts", "Y")

Newer versions of asyn also support software flow control (CTRL-S,CTRL-Q). If the device uses this, you may want to set:

asynSetOption ("PS1", 0, "ixon", "Y")
asynSetOption ("PS1", 0, "ixany", "Y")

If the device was instead connected via telnet-style TCP/IP at address on port 23, the startup script would contain:

epicsEnvSet ("STREAM_PROTOCOL_PATH", ".:../protocols")

drvAsynIPPortConfigure ("PS1", "")

With a VXI11 (GPIB via TCP/IP) connection, e.g. a HP E2050A on IP address, it would look like this:

epicsEnvSet ("STREAM_PROTOCOL_PATH", ".:../protocols")

vxi11Configure ("PS1","",1,1000,"hpib")

4. The Protocol File

For each different type of hardware, create a protocol file which defines protocols for all needed functions of the device. The file name is arbitrary, but I recommend that it contains the device type. It must not contain spaces and should be short. During iocInit, streamDevice loads and parses the required protocol files. If the files contain errors, they are printed on the IOC shell. Put the protocol file in one of the directories listed in STREAM_PROTOCOL_PATH.


PS1 is an ExamplePS power supply. It communicates via ASCII strings which are terminated by <carriage return> <line feed> (ASCII codes 13, 10). The output current can be set by sending a string like "CURRENT 5.13". When asked with the string "CURRENT?", the device returns the last set value in a string like "CURRENT 5.13 A".

Normally, an analog output record should write its value to the device. But during startup, the record should be initialized from the the device. The protocol file ExamplePS.proto defines the protocols getCurrent and setCurrent.

Terminator = CR LF;

getCurent {
        out "CURRENT?";
        in "CURRENT %f A";

setCurrent {
    out "CURRENT %.2f";
    @init {

Reloading the Protocol File

During development, the protocol files might change frequently. To prevent restarting the IOC all the time, it is possible to reload the protocol file of one or all records with the shell function streamReload("record"). If "record" is not given or empty, all records using StreamDevice reload their protocols. In EPICS 3.14 or higher, record can be a glob pattern.

Furthermore, the streamReloadSub function can be used with a subroutine record to reload all protocols.

Reloading the protocol file aborts currently running protocols. This might set SEVR=INVALID and STAT=UDF. If a record can't reload its protocol file (e.g. because of a syntax error), it stays INVALID/UDF until a valid protocol is loaded.

Reloading triggers an @init handler. See the next chapter for protocol files in depth.

5. Debug and Error Messages

Generation of debug and error messages is controlled with two shell variables, streamDebug and streamError. Setting those variables to 1 (actually to any number but 0) enables the messages. A few noisy and rarely useful debug messages are only enabled when setting streamDebug to 2. Per default debug messages are switched off and error messages are switched on. Errors occuring while loading protocol files are always shown.

Warning: Enabling debug messages this way can create a lot of output! Therefore, some limited debugging can be enabled per record, independent of the streamDebug variable using the .TPRO field of the record. Currently, setting .TPRO to 1 or 2 enables some basic information about the processing of a record and its i/o.

Debug output can be redirected to a file with the command streamSetLogfile("filename"). If the file already exists, it will be overwritten, not appended to. While debug messages are only written to the defined log file, error messages are still printed to stderr too. Calling streamSetLogfile without a filename directs debug output back to stderr and closes the log file.

By default, error messages to the console are printed in red color if stderr is a tty at startup time, using ANSI color codes. Some terminals may not support this properly. The variable streamDebugColored can be set to 0 or 1 to disable or enable colored error messages explicitly. Error messages written to a log file do not use colors.

Error and debug messages are prefixed with a time stamp unless the variable streamMsgTimeStamped is set to 0.

when a device is unresponsive, StreamDevice may produce many repeated timeout messages. To reduce this, you can set streamErrorDeadTime to an integer number of seconds. In this case, repeated timeout messages will not be printed during the specified dead time after the last printed message. The default dead time is 0, resulting in every message being printed.

Example (vxWorks):


Example (iocsh):

var streamError 1
var streamDebug 1
var streamDebugColored 1
var streamErrorDeadTime 30
var streamMsgTimeStamped 1

6. Configuring the Records

To tell a record to use StreamDevice, set its DTYP field to "stream".

The INP or OUT link has the form "@filename protocol[(arg1,arg2,...)] bus [address [parameters]]".

(Elements in [] are optional. Do not type the []).

Here, filename is the name of the protocol file and protocol is the name of a protocol defined in this file. (See the next chapter.)

If the protocol requires arguments, specify them enclosed in parentheses: protocol(arg1,arg2,...). Spaces in the argument list are now allowed. The first space before and after an argument is ignored. Further spaces are considered part of the argument.

The communication channel is specified with bus (aka asynDriver "port") and addr. If the bus does not have addresses, addr may be skipped. Optional parameters are passed to the bus driver. (At the moment, no bus driver supports parameters.)


Create an input record to read and an output record to set the current of PS1. Use protocols getCurrent and setCurrent from file ExamplePS.proto. The bus is called PS1 like the device.

record (ai, "PS1:I-get")
    field (DESC, "Read current of PS1")
    field (DTYP, "stream")
    field (INP,  "@ExamplePS.proto getCurrent PS1")
    field (EGU,  "A")
    field (PREC, "2")
    field (LOPR, "0")
    field (HOPR, "60")
    field (PINI, "YES")
    field (SCAN, "10 second")
record (ao, "PS1:I-set")
    field (DESC, "Set current of PS1")
    field (DTYP, "stream")
    field (OUT,  "@ExamplePS.proto setCurrent PS1")
    field (EGU,  "A")
    field (PREC, "2")
    field (DRVL, "0")
    field (DRVH, "60")
    field (LOPR, "0")
    field (HOPR, "60")