Module: shared-definitions

Provides definitions that are shared throughout the application.


(static, constant) WicaChannelPropertyDefaults :module:shared-definitions.WicaChannelProperties

JS Object that defines the default values for the properties of a Wica Channel.
Name Type Default Description
WicaChannelProperties.daqmode string (=stream-property-default) The data acquisition mode.
WicaChannelProperties.pollint number (=stream-property-default) The interval between successive polls of the channel value.
WicaChannelProperties.fields string (=stream-property-default) A semicolon delimited list defining the data fields that should be included when sending the value information for this channel.
WicaChannelProperties.prec number (=stream-property-default) The precision (= number of digits after the decimal point) to be used when sending the numeric information for this channel.
WicaChannelProperties.filter module:shared-definitions.WicaChannelFilterType "last-n" The type of filtering to be used on the channel. See WicaChannelFilterType.
WicaChannelProperties.n number 1 The filter number of samples. See WicaChannelFilterTypeLatestValueSampler.
WicaChannelProperties.m number 1 The filter cycle length. See WicaChannelFilterTypeFixedCycleSampler.
WicaChannelProperties.interval number 1 The filter sampling interval. See WicaChannelFilterTypeRateLimitingSampler.
WicaChannelProperties.deadband number 1.0 The filter deadband. See WicaChannelFilterTypeChangeFilteringSampler.

(static, constant) WicaElementConnectionAttributes :module:shared-definitions.WicaElementConnectionAttributes

JS Object that defines the HTML element attributes used by the DocumentStreamConnector when communicating with the Wica server.
Name Type Default Description
assignedStreamName string "data-wica-stream-name" The name of the element attribute which specifies the wica stream name. Format: JS string literal.
assignedStreamName string "data-wica-assigned-stream-name" The name of the element attribute which will reflects the stream name assigned by wica following document scanning. Format: JS string literal.
streamProperties string "data-wica-stream-properties" The name of the element attribute which specifies the wica stream properties. Format: JSON string literal, representing JS WicaStreamProperties object.
streamState string "data-wica-stream-state" The name of the element attribute which reflects the state of the connection to the wica server's data stream. Format: JS string literal with possible values: [ "connect-CCC", "opened-XXX", "closed-XXX" ], where CCC represents the incrementing connection request counter and XXX the id of the last stream that was opened.
channelName string "data-wica-channel-name" The name of the element attribute which specifies the wica channel name. This is the minimum information that must be present for an element to be considered "wica-aware". Format: JS string literal.
channelProperties string "data-wica-channel-properties" The name of the element attribute which specifies the wica channel properties. Format: JSON string literal, representing JS WicaChannelProperties object.
channelConnectionState string "data-wica-channel-connection-state" The name of the element attribute which reflects the state of the connection between the wica server and the wica channel's data source. Format: JS string literal with possible values: ["connecting-N", "opened-X", "closed-X"], where N represents the incrementing count of connection attempts and X represents the stream ID assigned by the server.
channelMetadata string "data-wica-channel-metadata" The name of the element attribute which reflects the metadata obtained most recently from the wica channel. Format: JSON string literal, representing JS WicaChannelMetadata object.
channelValueArray string "data-wica-channel-value-array" The name of the attribute which reflects the most recently obtained values from the wica channel. Format: JSON string literal, representing JS Array of WicaChannelValue objects.
channelValueLatest string "data-wica-channel-value-latest" The name of the attribute which is set to reflect the last value obtained from the channel. Format: JSON string literal, representing JS WicaChannelValue object.
channelAlarmState string "data-wica-channel-alarm-state" The name of the attribute which reflects the alarm status most recently obtained from the channel. Format: JS number literal with possible values: [ 0 (= "NO_ALARM"), 1 (= "MINOR_ALARM"), 2 (= "MAJOR_ALARM"), 3 (= "INVALID_ALARM") ].

(static, constant) WicaElementEventAttributes :module:shared-definitions.WicaElementEventAttributes

JS Object that defines the HTML element attributes used by the DocumentEventManager in its mission to fire events on wica-aware elements.
Name Type Default Description
eventHandler string "onchange" The name of the attribute which will be examined to look for a wica custom event handler.

(static, constant) WicaElementTextRenderingAttributes :module:shared-definitions.WicaElementTextRenderingAttributes

JS Object that defines the HTML element attributes used by the DocumentTextRenderer when rendering the element's visual state.
Name Type Default Description
tooltip string "data-wica-tooltip" The name of the attribute which specifies the tooltip to be displayed when the browser's cursor hovers over the element. When not explicitly set by the developer the wica channel name will be assigned to this attribute instead. Format: JS string literal.
renderingProperties string "data-wica-rendering-props" The name of the attribute which provides other miscellaneous properties which affect the way the element is rendered. Format: JSON string literal representing JS WicaRenderingProperties object.

(static, constant) WicaStreamPropertyDefaults :module:shared-definitions.WicaStreamProperties

JS Object that defines the default values for the properties of a Wica Stream.
Name Type Default Description
WicaStreamProperties.hbflux number 15000 The interval in milliseconds between heartbeat messages.
WicaStreamProperties.metaflux number 100 The interval in milliseconds between transmitting successive Server-Sent-Event (SSE) messages with the latest wica channel metadata.
WicaStreamProperties.monflux number 200 The interval in milliseconds between transmitting successive Server-Sent-Event (SSE) messages with the latest wica channel monitored values.
WicaStreamProperties.pollflux number 1000 The interval in milliseconds between transmitting successive Server-Sent-Event (SSE) messages with the latest wica channel polled values.
WicaStreamProperties.daqmode string monitor The default data acquisition mode.
WicaStreamProperties.pollint number 1000 The default polling interval in milliseconds.
WicaStreamProperties.prec number 3 The precision (= number of digits after the decimal point) to be used when sending numeric information.
WicaStreamProperties.fields string val;sevr A semicolon delimited list defining the data fields that should be included by default in the stream of WicaChannelValues.

(static, constant) WicaTextRenderingPropertyDefaults :module:shared-definitions.WicaTextRenderingProperties

JS Object that defines the default values for the properties of the Wica Text Renderer.
Name Type Default Description
WicaTextRenderingProperties.disable boolean false Disables rendering for this channel.
WicaTextRenderingProperties.units string "" The units to be displayed when rendering numeric information. When this property is specified it will be used. When not specified an attempt will be made to obtain the units from the metadata.
WicaTextRenderingProperties.exp boolean false Sets the rendering format for channels which return numeric data. Possible values: [true (use exponential format, eg 1.27E-1), false (use fixed decimal point format, eg 0.127)].
WicaTextRenderingProperties.prec number 8 The precision (= number of digits after the decimal point) to be used for channels which return numeric data.

Type Definitions



Provides a type definition for a filter that "does nothing", passing through all values obtained from the channel's data source.
Name Type Description
filter string "all-value" - the string literal that configures this type of filter.


Provides a type definition for a filter that that passes through values every time the input signal makes a transition whose absolute value exceeds the configured deadband. The filter operates only on channels whose underlying type is numeric; the information for all other channel types passes through unchanged.
Name Type Description
filter string "changes" - the string literal that configures this type of filter.
deadband number Defines the absolute change which must occur in the input value in order for the new value to be passed through the filter.


Provides a type definition for a filter that passes through values obtained from the channel's data source on a fixed one-in-N sampling basis.
Name Type Description
filter string "one-in-m" - the string literal that configures this type of filter.
m number The sampling cycle length.


Provides a type definition for a filter that passes through only the latest values received from the channel during the wica server's previous value update sampling time window.
Name Type Description
filter string "last-n" - the string literal that configures this type of filter.
n number The maximum number of values to pass through the filter on each update cycle.


Provides a type definition for a filter that passes through values obtained from the channel's data source based on a minimum time interval between successive samples.
Name Type Description
filter string "rate-limiter" - the string literal that configures this type of filter.
interval number The minimum time duration between samples in milliseconds.


Provides a type definition for a union type which describes the metadata information associated with a wica channel. See WicaChannelMetadataOther, and WicaChannelMetadataEpics.


Provides a type definition to describe the metadata associated with a channel based on an EPICS data source. The published properties may vary according to the EPICS record that publishes the EPICS channel. A combination of any or all of the following properties is possible.
Name Type Description
egu string Engineering Units in which the channel's value will be expressed.
prec number The precision in which the channel's value will be expressed. Applies only to numeric types.
hopr number High Operating Range.
lopr number Low Operating Range.
drvh number Drive High Control Limit.
drvl number Drive Low Control Limit.
hihi number Upper Alarm Limit.
lolo number Lower Alarm Limit.
high number Upper Warning Limit.
low number Lower Warning Limit.


Provides a type definition to describe the metadata associated with a channel based on a data source with minimal additional information.
Name Type Description
type string One of: "REAL", "INTEGER", "STRING", "REAL_ARRAY", "INTEGER_ARRAY", "STRING_ARRAY". This property is always present.


Provides a type definition for a JS string which defines the name of a channel.


Provides a type definition for a JS Object that specifies the properties of a Wica Channel. When not specified the property values will be taken from the WicaChannelPropertyDefaults.
Name Type Attributes Description
daqmode string | null <optional>
The data acquisition mode.
pollint number | null <optional>
The interval between successive polls of the channel value.
fields string | null <optional>
A semicolon delimited list defining the data fields that should be included when sending value information for this channel.
prec number | null <optional>
The precision (= number of digits after the decimal point) to be used when sending numeric information.
filter module:shared-definitions.WicaChannelFilterType <optional>
The type of filtering to be used on the channel. See WicaChannelFilterType.
n number <optional>
The filter number of samples. See WicaChannelFilterTypeLatestValueSampler.
m number <optional>
The filter cycle length. See WicaChannelFilterTypeFixedCycleSampler.
interval number <optional>
The filter sampling interval. See WicaChannelFilterTypeRateLimitingSampler.
deadband number <optional>
The filter deadband. See WicaChannelFilterTypeChangeFilteringSampler.


Provides a type definition for a JS Object that specifies the instantaneous value of a Wica Channel. The value information includes the raw channel value, the timestamp at which the value was obtained, and the channel alarm status.
Name Type Description
val string | null JSON String representation of the current value. Set to NULL if the channel's data source is offline, or otherwise unavailable.
sevr number [Alarm Severity] - Present if the WicaStreamProperty 'includeAlarmInfo' is true. The following values are defined (0 = No Alarm; 1 = Minor Alarm, 2 = Major Alarm)
ts string [Timestamp] - present if the WicaStreamProperty 'includeTimestamp' is true.


Provides a type definition for a JS Object that defines the HTML element attributes used by the DocumentStreamConnector when communicating with the Wica server.
Name Type Description
assignedStreamName string The name of the element attribute which specifies the wica stream name.
assignedStreamName string The name of the element attribute which reflects the stream name assigned by wica following document scanning. Format: JS string literal.
streamProperties string The name of the element attribute which specifies the wica stream properties. Format: JSON string literal, representing JS WicaStreamProperties object.
streamState string The name of the element attribute which reflects the state of the connection to the wica server's data stream. Format: JS string literal with possible values: [ "connect-CCC", "opened-XXX", "closed-XXX" ], where CCC represents the incrementing connection request counter and XXX the id of the last stream that was opened.
channelName string The name of the element attribute which specifies the wica channel name. This is the minimum information that must be present for an element to be considered a wica channel. Format: JS string literal.
channelProperties string The name of the element attribute which specifies the wica channel properties. Format: JSON string literal, representing JS WicaChannelProperties object.
channelConnectionState string The name of the element attribute which reflects the state of the connection between the wica server and the wica channel's data source. Format: JS string literal with possible values: ["connecting-N", "opened-X", "closed-X"], where N represents the incrementing count of connection attempts and X represents the stream ID assigned by the server.
channelMetadata string The name of the element attribute which reflects the metadata obtained most recently from the wica channel. Format: JSON string literal, representing JS WicaChannelMetadata object.
channelValueArray string The name of the attribute which reflects the most recently obtained values from the wica channel. Format: JSON string literal, representing JS Array of WicaChannelValue objects.
channelValueLatest string The name of the attribute which is set to reflect the last value obtained from the channel. Format: JSON string literal, representing JS WicaChannelValue object.
channelAlarmState string The name of the attribute which reflects the alarm status most recently obtained from the channel. Format: JS number literal with possible values: [ 0 (= "NO_ALARM"), 1 (= "MINOR_ALARM"), 2 (= "MAJOR_ALARM"), 3 (= "INVALID_ALARM") ].


Provides a type definition for a JS Object that defines the HTML element attributes used by the DocumentEventManager in its mission to fire events on wica channel elements.
Name Type Attributes Description
eventHandler string <optional>
The name of the attribute which will be examined to look for a wica custom event handler.


Provides a type definition for a JS Object that defines the HTML element attributes used by the DocumentTextRenderer when rendering the element's visual state.
Name Type Description
tooltip string The name of the attribute which specifies the tooltip to be displayed when the browser's cursor hovers over the element. When not explicitly set by the developer the wica channel name will be assigned to this attribute instead. Format: JS string literal.
renderingProperties string The name of the attribute which provides other miscellaneous properties which affect the way the element is rendered. Format: JSON string literal representing JS WicaRenderingProperties object.


Provides a type definition for a JS Object that specifies the properties of a Wica Stream. When not specified the property values will be taken from the WicaStreamPropertyDefaults.
Name Type Attributes Description
hbflux number <optional>
The interval in milliseconds between heartbeat messages.
metaflux number <optional>
The interval in milliseconds between transmitting successive Server-Sent-Event (SSE) messages with the latest wica channel metadata.
monflux number <optional>
The interval in milliseconds between transmitting successive Server-Sent-Event (SSE) messages with the latest wica channel monitored values.
pollflux number <optional>
The interval in milliseconds between transmitting successive Server-Sent-Event (SSE) messages with the latest wica channel polled values.
daqmode string <optional>
The default data acquisition mode.
pollint number <optional>
The default polling interval in milliseconds.
prec number <optional>
The precision (= number of digits after the decimal point) to be used when sending numeric information.
fields string <optional>
A semicolon delimited list defining the data fields that should be included by default in the stream of WicaChannelValues.


Provides a type definition for a JS Object that specifies the properties to be used when rendering a Wica element's textual content. When not specified the property values will be taken from the WicaTextRenderingPropertyDefaults.
Name Type Attributes Description
disable boolean <optional>
Disables rendering for this channel.
units string <optional>
The units to be displayed when rendering numeric information. When this property is specified it will be used. When not specified an attempt will be made to obtain the units from the metadata.
exp boolean <optional>
Sets the rendering format for channels which return numeric data. Possible values: [true: (use exponential format, eg 1.27E-1), false: (use fixed decimal point format, eg 0.127)].
prec number <optional>
The precision (= number of digits after the decimal point) to be used for channels which return numeric data.